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Help & Advice

Student Services

The Student Services programs of Amberton University have been designed to support and supplement the University’s formal academic programs. These services include academic advising, student account services, VA benefits, foreign students’ ICE needs, and copies of records. For additional information, refer to “Students’ Rights – Educational Records” and “Legal Notice of Non-Discrimination.” Contact the Student Services Office with any specific questions, (972) 279-6511 option # 4 or Advisor@Amberton.edu.

Student Services
Appeal and Grievance Policy

A student who feels that he/she has been improperly treated concerning finances, grading, registration, or any other student service, has the right to file a grievance to correct the wrong. The following procedure shall be followed in filing a grievance (The terms “grievance” and “complaint” are used interchangeably):

Student Grievance and Appeal
University Catalog

The Amberton University Catalog 2024 – 2025 is organized around the following three sections:
❑ Student Handbook—General Information and Student Handbook for All Students
❑ Undergraduate Academic Information
❑ Graduate Academic Information

The Student Handbook section contains information that applies to all Amberton University students.  The Undergraduate and Graduate sections contain the degree program requirements, course listings, and competencies for each of the respective student groups. <b>All students should read the Student Handbook section along with the respective degree level section.</b>

University Catalog
Unique Learning Options

Amberton University caters exclusively to the working adult and recognizes the many and varied obstacles that must be managed in order to pursue advanced educational training.  From over fifty years of catering exclusively to adults, the University has learned:

  • Adult students should not be placed in “locked” groups or programs that do not allow the drop-in/drop-out needs of working adults.
  • Class options are required that allow the working adult to respond to the unique time constraints placed upon him/her because of family, personal, and business demands.
  • Admission, registration, and all student services must honor the time constraints of working adults and must be packaged in a well-organized, efficient academic atmosphere.
  • Adult, working students are commuter students; the University must provide ample close-in, secured parking; current research resources; comfortable facilities; and relevant academic offerings.
  • Most working adults do not need added debt.  For this reason, Amberton University encourages students to enroll in one course per session and “pay as they go.” If loans are necessary to meet financial needs, students are encouraged to borrow wisely and use good judgment.

The unique learning options of Amberton University include the following:

  • Ten-week sessions offered four times annually, allow greater options for attendance.
  • Offering courses as either lecture classes, online classes or hybrid classes allows students to mix learning options, as needed.
  • Course and program offerings are provided (1) in the evening during the week, (2) on weekends during the day, and/or (3) through online learning in a “mix-as-needed” option for students.
  • Costs for classes are the lowest of any private university in the region.
Distance Learning Courses

While the trend in most educational institutions is to segregate distance-learning programs from programs offered through the traditional lecture method, Amberton University combines both formats giving the student the advantage to choose the delivery method that best suits his/her needs. At Amberton University, students have the option to select from a variety of courses and programs offered through distance learning. Whether the student is minutes away from the campus or miles away in another state, distance-learning courses can be completed on-line without any on-campus requirement.

Amberton’s distance learning courses are identical to classroom courses in terms of learning outcomes and expectations. Both full-time and part-time professors who teach lecture courses also teach distance learning courses. At Amberton University, in terms of competencies, lecture courses and distance learning courses are one-and-the-same. Because of this synchronicity, students who are in close proximity to the campuses may take both campus-based lecture courses and distance learning courses in any degree program.

Admission to the University and expectations of performance are the same for all students regardless of the student’s location or course selection. All students who attend Amberton University are expected to possess a certain degree of computer literacy. However, a student choosing to take a distance learning course must have the following skills and technical capabilities:

  • Access to the Internet
  • An Amberton e-mail address (assigned at enrollment)
  • Working knowledge in Internet browser settings and configuration, E-mail and file attachments, Uploading and downloading files
  • Use of word processing software
  • Ability to conduct on-line research

Students enrolled in courses through Amberton’s distance learning option access course information through The Student Portal. Through a link located on the University’s web site, students can access courses offered via the Internet. Discussion of degree programs and courses offered through distance learning, along with information on the University’s Course Management System, may be found on the University’s web site. Amberton University is a part of a national consortium that sets standards for distance learning courses and degree programs. All of Amberton’s distance learning degree programs and courses comply with the “Principles of Good Practice” for distance learning programs. For a list of Distance Learning offerings, see the current Schedule of Classes and the Course Guide.

Distance Learning Tips

1. Review the Materials

Take time to review all help files and course materials available. Your instructor should provide some helpful tools to guide you through the course. These tools normally include a course syllabus, bibliography, and description of assignments, grading and evaluation criteria, as well as others. Online courses provide these same tools plus many more.

2. Practice Before Hand

Spend some time navigating through your class and making sure you can access all of the links and resources. Practice posting to the course’s discussion forum and ask a fellow classmate to join you in the chat room for a practice session.

3. Manage Your Time

Manage your time. It’s very easy to spend far too little time or far too much time on the class. Set designated blocks of time to work on assignments. The rule of thumb for classroom courses is that students can expect to spend four hours outside of the class working on content for every hour spent in the classroom. The same is often true of online classes as the competencies are the same for both the classroom and online.

4. Communicating Online

Effective communication is critical to success. When communicating online in a text-based environment, it pays to remember that you will not have all of those non-verbal cues that you get in an on-ground classroom–neither will your instructor or fellow students. Keeping this in mind, communications should be clearly stated and the same courtesies and respect used in a classroom setting should be used online. In addition, you will be responsible for initiating more contact with your instructor and classmates and staying current on all assignments.

Principles of Good Practice - Distance Learning Programs

Years before the Internet was popular and the term “distance learning” was born, the University provided “conference courses” to the working adult who had responsibilities that prevented predictable scheduling of time. It was a natural and easy move for Amberton University to employ web-based technologies to make online available to those students who have the need, for organizational skills, self-discipline, and talent for independent study and research.

Amberton’s distance-learning courses are identical to classroom courses in terms of learning outcomes, and both full-time and part-time professors who teach regular classroom courses also teach online courses. At Amberton University, in terms of competencies, classroom courses and online courses are identical.

Admission to the University, costs, and expectations of performance are the same for all students regardless of the student’s location or course selection. The University requires a certain degree of computer literacy of all students. However, a student choosing to take an online course must have the following skills and technical capabilities:

  • Access to the Internet
  • An e-mail address
  • General knowledge in:
    • Internet browser settings and configuration
    • E-mail and file attachments
    • Uploading and downloading files
  • Use of a word processing package
  • Ability to conduct on-line research
Principles of Good Practice

All of Amberton’s distance learning degree programs and courses comply with the following “Principles of Good Practice.”

Curriculum and Instruction
  • Each program or course of study results in learning appropriate to the rigor and breadth of the degree or certificate awarded.
  • A degree or certificate program or course offered electronically is coherent and complete.
  • The course or program provides for appropriate interaction between faculty and students and among students.
  • Qualified faculty provide appropriate supervision of the program or course that is offered electronically.
  • Academic standards for all programs or courses offered electronically are the same as those for other courses or programs delivered at the institution where they originate.
  • Student learning in programs or courses delivered electronically is comparable to student learning in programs or courses offered at the campus where they originate.
Institutional Context and Commitment
Role and Mission
  • The program or course is consistent with the institution’s role and mission.
  • Review and approval processes ensure the appropriateness of the technology being used to meet program or course objectives.
Students and Student Services
  • The program or course provides students with clear, complete and timely information on the curriculum, course and degree requirements, nature of faculty/student interaction, prerequisite technology competencies and skills, technical equipment requirements, availability of academic support services, financial aid resources, and costs and payment policies.
  • Enrolled students have reasonable and adequate access to student services and resources appropriate to support their learning.
  • The University has admission/acceptance criteria to assess whether the student has the background, knowledge and technical skills required for undertaking the course or program.
  • Advertising, recruiting and admissions materials clearly and accurately represent the program and the services available.
Faculty Support
  • The program or course provides faculty support services specifically related to teaching via an electronic system.
  • The University ensures appropriate training for faculty who teach using technology.
  • The program or course provides faculty with adequate equipment, software and communications for interaction with students, institutions and other faculty.
Resources for Learning
  • The program or course ensures that appropriate learning resources are available to students.
  • The program or course evaluates the adequacy of access to learning resources and the cost to students for access to those resources. It also documents the use of electronic resources.
Commitment to Support
  • Policies for faculty evaluation include appropriate recognition of teaching and scholarly activities related to programs or courses offered electronically.
  • The University demonstrates a commitment to ongoing support, both financial and technical, and to the continuation of the program or course for a period sufficient for students to complete a degree or certificate.
Evaluation and Assessment
  • The University evaluates program and course effectiveness, including assessments of student learning, student retention, and student and faculty satisfaction.
  • At the completion of the program or course, the institution provides for assessment and documentation of student achievement in each course.
  • Program or course announcements and electronic catalog entries provide appropriate information.
University Technologies

Amberton University offers a variety of technologies that enable the student to communicate with the University at any time.

University Technologies
Safety and Security

Amberton University personnel are sensitive to the safety and security needs of students and employees. The University’s five acres of property are constantly monitored by three methods of security—the local community Police Department, Amberton University security personnel, and electronic surveillance. The facilities are lighted at dark to provide protective visibility and safety. However, no system is superior to each individual’s good judgment and reasonable care. The basic rule is: Never take a chance; and, if you think there might be a problem, do not proceed—get help.

From time to time, one might be stopped by administrative or security personnel of the University (who will have properly identified him or herself). One should not be resentful if asked to present identification. The purpose is to make sure that those individuals who are on University property have a reason and a right to be present. The University will not hesitate to file trespassing charges against any unauthorized person on the property. The safety and the security of this campus are of primary importance. Any crime or suspicion of a crime should be reported immediately.

Safety and Security Campus Carry
Financial Information

As an independent institution, Amberton University receives no support from taxation. Funds for educational operations come from the tuition and fees paid by students and from gifts and grants from concerned individuals and organizations.

Financial information is included in the Schedule of Classes issued by Amberton University prior to the beginning of each session. Detailed information concerning tuition, fees, and other expenses that might be incurred while attending Amberton University is included in the schedule.

The Schedule of Classes can be obtained by visiting Amberton University or, upon request, it will be mailed. Schedule information is also listed on the University’s website.

Financial Information
Our Admission Philosophy

As a private institution, Amberton University restricts admission.  Admission to Amberton University is a privilege, not a right.  Admission is granted only when, in the judgment of University officials, the applicant can benefit from the University’s educational program.

As an upper-division (junior/senior level) and graduate institution uniquely designed for working adults, the University does not accept applicants who seek or need the social environment provided at traditional campuses.  Except under special circumstances or programs, the University will not allow the enrollment of a minor or an individual who has failed to prove his or her academic ability and potential by attending another accredited college/university.

In dealing with working adults who have been away from the academic environment for years, the University has learned through research that admission tests have little value in predicting academic success.  Past academic performance (which is measurable), self-discipline (which cannot be measured by the institution at the time of entry), and work/social constraints (which are beyond the control of both the institution and the applicant) are three major factors that will contribute to the student’s academic performance.  The University will measure the first factor, insist upon the second, and allow the judgment of the applicant to prevail concerning the third.

About Our Faculty

The faculty of Amberton University is composed of two complementary groups of talented professionals. A cadre of full-time professional educators provides balance and continuity. A corps of adjunct faculty serving on specific temporary appointments adds academic breadth and specialized expertise.

All Amberton University faculty authorized to teach are selected because of their academic credentials, professional experience, and personal character. The professors at Amberton University must also be practicing professionals in their fields of study.

About Our Faculty and Staff Faculty Directory
The College Year

Amberton University offers four academic sessions per year.  Each session is no longer than ten (10) weeks.

Classes may be offered each night Monday through Friday, half-day and all day on Saturday, and on Sunday afternoons.  Distance learning options are also available.


Link for more information.

The College Year
Courses and Coursework

Information about Courses and Coursework.

Courses & Coursework
Enrollment, Adds, Drops, and Withdrawals

Information about Enrollment, Adds, Drops, & Withdrawals

Enrollment, Adds, Drops, & Withdrawals
Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Statements

Students, staff, faculty, and all employees have the right to pursue education and work in an environment free from Sexual Harassment.

Link for more information.

Title IX Statements
Title IX Reports

Annual Summary Reports for Title IX

Title IX Reports
Campus Carry Information

Senate Bill 11 (SB 11) of the 84th Texas Legislature permits individuals holding concealed handgun licenses to carry their weapons onto the campus and into the general buildings of the public and private institutions of higher education in Texas, unless a private institution has established rules, regulations, or other provisions prohibiting license holders from carrying handguns on the campus.  Note: Any reference to handgun license in the following discussion refers to a valid State of Texas handgun license. Updated: 09/01/21 – House Bill 1927, the Firearm Carry Act of 2021, maintains prohibitions against carrying a weapon on certain premises, including college campuses, which is reserved as a privilege only of license holders.

Campus Carry Campus Carry FAQs

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Have questions about Amberton? Our enrollment team is ready to answer them today.

Contact an Advisor