Winter 2025 Schedule of Classes and Syllabi are now available!  Registration Begins Nov. 1st!

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Our Campuses

Safety and Security

Campus Safety & Security

Amberton University personnel are sensitive to the safety and security needs of students and employees. The University’s five acres of property are constantly monitored by three methods of security—the local community Police Department, Amberton University security personnel, and electronic surveillance. The facilities are lighted at dark to provide protective visibility and safety. However, no system is superior to each individual’s good judgment and reasonable care. The basic rule is: Never take a chance; and, if you think there might be a problem, do not proceed—get help.

From time to time, one might be stopped by administrative or security personnel of the University (who will have properly identified him or herself). One should not be resentful if asked to present identification. The purpose is to make sure that those individuals who are on University property have a reason and a right to be present. The University will not hesitate to file trespassing charges against any unauthorized person on the property. The safety and security of this campus are of primary importance. Any crime or suspicion of a crime should be reported immediately.

Emergency Contact Procedures

Should an emergency situation occur requiring student notification, such notification will be submitted through the Amberton e-Mail system. In the event the email system is inoperable (due to a power outage or natural disaster), the University will use whatever methods at its disposal to convey emergency information, such as radio or television news channels.

Notice of Surveillance

All visits to Amberton University property or facility are subject to electronic surveillance. Sometimes the surveillance cameras are monitored by authorized security personnel, other times surveillance is recorded for review if needed. All recordings are the property of Amberton University.

Reporting of a Crime

Any incident of crime observed on Amberton University premises by a student is to be reported to a University official immediately. If the crime is underway and places a person(s) and/or property at risk, the student is to call law enforcement authorities without delay (dial 911). A twenty-four-hour telephone line (972 279-6511, Extension 121) will always be available for reporting an incident to University authorities. A disclosure of campus-related crimes is reported in the Amberton University Student Briefing publication available on the University’s website.

Use of Social Security Number

While Amberton University has always maintained a highly secured system relative to student information (Amberton even refuses to provide information on its students that is approved for distribution by law), the University will continue to upgrade and improve its systems. To further protect its students, the following regulations and procedures have been implemented:

  • For students’ convenience and accuracy, Amberton will continue to require the SSN as an identifier for admission, for accurate internal posting, and for use as a long-term personal identifier of financial and academic records.
  • Amberton will use the AU ID (Amberton ID#) instead of the SSN in all institutional printouts (exceptions: Official Academic Transcript, legal and government required/authorized reports).
  • Amberton has not in the past and will not in the future make available students’ SSNs via the Internet.
  • Amberton will continue to refuse to provide any information on any student unless authorized by the student or directed to do so by an authorized legal/governmental agency.
  • A unique Amberton University Identification Number (AU ID) is issued to each student attending the University. This number may be used in place of the SSN when corresponding with the University, except when requesting the issuance of an official transcript.

Unsupervised Children

The University has a regulation that forbids any student or employee to leave minor children unsupervised anywhere in the Amberton University facility or on its property. The University’s regulation is based upon the belief that proper care and protection of children take precedence over educational or vocational interests.

Campus Carry

Senate Bill 11 (SB 11) of the 84th Texas Legislature permits individuals holding concealed handgun licenses to carry handguns onto the campus and into the general buildings of the public and private institutions of higher education in Texas, unless a private institution has established rules, regulations, or other provisions prohibiting license holders from carrying handguns on the campus.

Amberton University’s enrollment is limited to the mature, working adult seeking to finish a bachelor’s degree or to begin or complete graduate studies.  Students complete their degrees by taking online courses or a combination of online and in-classroom courses at the main campus in Garland or the Frisco Center.  Amberton has no campus housing, no sporting events, no social clubs, and no dining facilities.  The consumption of alcohol is prohibited on campus as is the use of illegal drugs.  Considering the unique nature of the Amberton student and the campus environment, Amberton University complies with Senate Bill 11 allowing individuals holding valid handgun licenses to carry their concealed handguns onto the Amberton campuses and premises.  For more information and to review the University’s complete policy and procedures on Campus Carry, refer to the University website.

Campus Carry – Senate Bill 11 Information

Campus Carry – FAQs