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Undergraduate Admissions Standards

Admissions Requirements

Admissions Standards Overview

A student seeking unconditional admission to Amberton University for undergraduate study will meet the following admission standards:

1. U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
2. Proficient in the English language.
3. Mature adult with employment experience.
4. Has successfully completed at least 30* semester credit hours from a U.S. accredited college or university as evidenced by official transcripts.

*While Amberton University offers all courses required to complete each of its undergraduate programs, the majority of undergraduate students admitted transfer in over 30 credit hours toward their degree. Amberton University will admit students transferring in less than 30 hours on a case-by-case basis.

5. Students under 22 years of age and enrolled in campus classes must provide evidence of receipt of an initial bacterial meningitis vaccination dose or booster during the five-year period preceding and at least 10 days prior to the first day of the first semester in which the student initially enrolls at an institution, or following a break in enrollment of at least one fall or spring semester at the same or another institution.* Exceptions to this provision may be found at:

*Does not apply to students enrolled in only online or distance education courses.

6. Students eligible for Title IV Federal Financial Aid will need to satisfy additional admission requirements. To receive Federal Student Aid funds, a student must be qualified to study at the postsecondary level. A student qualifies if she/he:

  • has a high school diploma (this can be from a foreign school if it is equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma);
  • has the recognized equivalent of a high school diploma, such as a general educational development (GED) certificate or other state sanctioned test of diploma-equivalency certificate;
  • has completed homeschooling at the secondary level as defined by state law;
  • has completed secondary school education in a homeschool setting which qualifies for an exemption from compulsory attendance requirements under state law, if state law does not require a homeschooled student to receive a credential for their education;
  • has completed one of the ability-to-benefit (ATB) alternatives and is either currently enrolled in an eligible career pathway program or first enrolled in an eligible postsecondary program prior to July 1, 2012. Note: Amberton University does not accept ATB alternatives.

7. International students seeking undergraduate admission should see and review the “International Student Advising and Admission Requirements” in this catalog.

*** If Federal Financial Aid will be applied for, official transcripts from ALL previously attended institutions must be on file with Amberton prior to any consideration for awarding Title IV Financial Aid

8. Students seeking ADA accommodations, please click here for more information.

Complete Admission requirements are included in the University’s Official Catalog.


University Catalog
Service Member Re-Admission to the University

Admission to Amberton University is valid for three (3) years from date of last enrollment or acceptance to the University, whichever is later. If a Service member is required to cease attending Amberton University due to military service requirements, their admission will remain valid for three (3) years from the last enrollment date. If the Service member returns after three (3) years, they will be required to re-apply for admission.

International Students (Non-U.S. Citizen/Non-Permanent Resident)

Amberton University is authorized under federal and state laws to enroll qualified international students seeking bachelor or master degrees. Currently, Amberton University is not admitted undergraduate students with an F-1 visa. Amberton University will allow international students (non-U.S. citizens/non-permanent residents/non F-1 visas) to enroll in academic programs, if after evaluation, it is determined that the University can provide for the special and unique needs often presented by these students.

The international student must submit his/her application for admission, transcripts, and any other supporting documents before admission can be considered. Any international student who requires Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) forms must supply all required documents at the time of requesting admission. Students needing assistance with ICE forms may speak with an advisor for more information and guidance. A processing fee is required of non-U.S. citizens/non-permanent residents at the time of application for admission.

International students must fulfill the following admission requirements for undergraduate admission:

  1. 21 years of age or older
  2. Proficient in the English language (reading, writing, speaking).
  3. Submission of Application for Admission along with non-refundable processing fee. Due to documentation requirements, the online application cannot be submitted by International students. A paper application, along with required documentation must be submitted for processing to the University.
  4. Submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended in the U.S.A. Undergraduate students must have a minimum of 30 semester hours of acceptable work from a U.S.A. regionally accredited institution.
  5. Students subject to Immigration and Customs Enforcement regulations must have been in attendance within the past 5 months from the time application for admission is made. Students that do not meet this time requirement must apply through Immigration and Customs Enforcement for reinstatement as an F-1 student.
  6. Students subject to Immigration and Customs Enforcement regulations must:

Also each session enrolled, the student will pay a $25.00 non-refundable fee to cover the costs of INS reports.

International students should also review the International Student Advising and Admission Requirements.


Course Load and Current Status

The number of courses a student should take during a session must be determined by the individual based upon work obligations, family needs, and other commitments. However, an undergraduate student may not enroll for more than twelve semester hours without an advisor’s approval. A full-time undergraduate student is one taking nine or more hours in a session.

Per ICE Regulations, a non-U.S. Citizen on a F-1 Visa must enroll in 12 credit hours each session to maintain full-time status


Grades are emailed to students at the end of each session.  The following grades are used with the grade point value per semester hour of credit:

Grade Marks Undergraduate Grade Points
A Greater than 89 4.0
B Greater than 79 3.0
C Greater than 69 2.0
D Greater than 59 1.0
F Less than 60 0.0
I Incomplete Not counted
R Repeated Course Not counted
W Withdrew Not counted

A grade of ‘I’ which is not properly removed within 30 days following the session enrolled will become an ‘F’ grade. Incomplete grades are given when an illness or emergency prevents the student from completing course requirements. Any appeal for a change of grade must be made within 30 days of the last class day of the session. After 30 days, the grade of record is indisputable.

The student’s grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of hours attempted (not the number of hours passed) at Amberton University. If a student has made a low grade in a course at Amberton University and repeats the course at Amberton University, the highest grade will be recorded and counted in his/her grade point average.

Academic Performance of a Student

Each student has the opportunity to continue his/her education at Amberton University as long as he/she is making satisfactory academic progress and is complying with all University rules. The student’s cumulative grade point average is computed at the end of each session. In order for an undergraduate student to remain in good standing academically, he/she must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.00.

If a student fails to meet these standards, he/she will be placed on academic probation. If he/she fails to meet these standards during the session on probation, he/she may be suspended from the University. A student suspended from the University for poor academic performance will remain suspended until a written appeal for readmission is approved by the Vice President for Academic Services.

Applying for Graduation

It is the undergraduate student’s responsibility to make written application for his/her degree. As the student enrolls for the final session of required course work, the student may apply for graduation in a specific degree program. To be considered a candidate for graduation, the student must have: (1) provided the University with all required official transcripts, (2) removed any conditions of admission, and (3) attained a 2.0 or better grade-point average for all academic work. Applications for graduation are available on the Amberton web site. No undergraduate student will be entitled to graduate who has not properly requested graduation.

Graduation Information Graduation Application
Undergraduate Degree Requirements

The following general requirements apply to all bachelor’s degrees:

  1. A minimum of 120 semester hours is required for all degrees.
  2. A minimum of 42 hours of upper-division work is required. Twenty-seven (27) hours must be completed at Amberton University and applicable to the degree.
  3. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is required.
  4. The student must complete a minimum of 33 semester hours at Amberton University.
  5. The student will be allowed to graduate by meeting the requirements for the degree in force at the time of initial enrollment, provided the student is within thirty (30) hours of graduating and completes no less than fifteen (15) hours per year.
Transfer of Credits From Another Institution

Both qualitative and quantitative considerations are involved in the transfer of credits from another institution.  There Is No Automatic Transfer of Credits Toward A Degree At Amberton University.

Work considered for transfer from other accredited schools will be carefully evaluated by University officials.  Only work from official transcripts (registrar’s original signature and college seal) will be considered for transfer from other accredited schools recognized by Amberton University.  Official electronic transcripts will be accepted from the educational institution or an approved third-party transcripting service.

Electronic transcripts can be emailed to  Electronic transcripts from students or unapproved third parties will not be accepted by Amberton University.  All official academic transcripts to be considered for transfer credit must be submitted during the first session’s enrollment.  Students who fail to submit official transcripts during the first session’s enrollment may not be able to use transfer work as credit toward a degree.

Transcript Information
General Transfer Policies
  • Military Service – Amberton University may be able to offer credit to undergraduate Service Men and Women for military experience and training received while active in the U.S. Armed Forces. Active military and veterans seeking academic credit for military training should provide the University with an official transcript of courses/training supplied through the American Council on Education (ACE), the Department of Defense (Joint Services Transcript) or the Community College of the Air Force.
  • Credit for Work – Amberton University is also receptive to awarding academic credit for knowledge acquired through life-learning experiences (credit obtained through non-collegiate courses). Students interested in gaining this type of academic credit may submit a portfolio documenting the learning gained as related to current Amberton University courses. Students interested in the submission of a portfolio should review the Handbook for Preparing A Portfolio for the Academic Assessment of Learning Experiences.
  • Credit by Exam – Nationally recognized examinations such as College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Subject Exams Only, Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES/DSST), and military courses evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) are treated in the same manner as transferred credit. The number of credits awarded for courses is at the discretion of Amberton University.
  • All official transcripts, military credit, exam scores, and life-learning experience portfolios should be submitted during the first session’s enrollment to avoid duplication of courses previously taken.
Undergraduate Transfer of Credits

Assuming work is allowed to transfer from an accredited institution, the following guidelines will be followed:

  1. Transfer work from another regionally accredited institution will be evaluated upon admission.
  2. No grade below C will be accepted as transfer work.
  3. Individual courses will be accepted but no grade points. Each Amberton University transfer student will begin with a new grade point average.
  4. No more than a total composite of eighty-seven (87) hours will be allowed in transfer toward any Amberton University degree.
  5. Students who duplicate a course accepted in transfer at Amberton University will lose the credits in transfer. Coursework completed at Amberton University will always take precedence over the transfer-equivalent credits.
  6. An (X) placed by a transfer course in the TCR report means that the course is accepted in transfer as equivalent to the designated Amberton University course but will not satisfy upper-level hour requirements.
  7. The age of transfer work may affect transferability.
Undergraduate Transfer Information
Undergraduate Degree Plans

The student is responsible for learning about and fulfilling all general and specific regulations concerning his/her degree program. Prior to or shortly after enrolling at Amberton University, the student should have official transcripts sent directly to Amberton University from all institutions attended. Each transcript received will be evaluated for Amberton University course equivalence, and a copy of the evaluation, the “Transfer of Credit Report” (TCR), will be sent to the student. The TCR can be used by the student in preparing a degree plan.

For degree advising purposes, students can have Amberton University transcripted work and all transfer work electronically evaluated against any degree in the Catalog. The Electronic Degree Plan (EDP) produces a printout of satisfied degree requirements as well as requirements which may be deficient relative to the degree selected. The EDP allows a student to compare his/her academic accomplishments against any or all degrees in the Catalog. The EDP analyzes a student’s records and provides a report. The EDP is available online in the Student Portal and by contacting an advisor in Student Services.

Undergraduate Residency Requirements

In order to meet residency requirements for an undergraduate degree, the student must complete 33 hours in residency at Amberton University. Any successfully completed Amberton University courses will satisfy residency requirements.

Requirements for a Second Degree

To receive a second bachelor’s degree, a student must complete at least 30 semester hours beyond the first degree and must meet all general education and major field requirements for the second degree. No grade below a C will be accepted in transfer from a previous degree. To pursue a second bachelor’s degree, a student must complete a Request for Second Degree Form and submit this form to Academic Services to formally request the second degree plan.

Contact an Advisor

Looking for more information about earning your degree or certificate at Amberton University? Contact one of our Student Advisors today.

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