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Procedures for ADA Admission and Accommodations 


Amberton University is designed for the working adult. The average age of the Amberton student is 40 years old. According to these factors, the facility and services offered are aligned to accommodate students who can function in the workplace. While limited funds and no federal or state support limits the reasonable accommodation Amberton University can provide to disabled students, the institution continues to develop its facilities and services to meet the needs of disabled, working adults. All students at Amberton receive the same amount of instructions and the goal is to accommodate the disabled student to the level of learning of all students.


As a part of the admission process, students identify their disability requests. All applications with disability requests are sent to the A.D.A. Official (the Vice President for Strategic Services, VPSS@Amberton.edu). The A.D.A. Official contacts the student and requests additional information concerning the disability. Documentation describing the disability and verifiable professional medical documentation of the disability as well as details of the accommodations requested are needed in order to determine that the student will be able to function in both on ground and online classes as appropriate for completion of the degree. Examples of accommodations include extended time for timed activities, permission to record classes, and possibly a quiet place to take exams free from distractions that could interrupt one’s train of thought.

The requested documents, the evidentiary documents and the accommodation documents are then reviewed by the A.D.A. official to see how Amberton can meet the learning requests needed.  Once this determination is made a letter is prepared for the student documenting the accommodations that will be provided. The student confirms agreement of the accommodations outlined in the letter and receives a copy in addition to a copy placed in the student file. The student is encouraged to provide a copy of this letter to his/her professors prior to or early in the class so there will be ample time to make adjustments in the activities for the class. The student is responsible for letting the professor know of the accommodations. The nature of the adult student is that s/he prefers to be in control of sharing his/her accommodations. Once the information is shared with a professor, adjustments are made in line with the accommodations. Any questions the professor has that cannot be answered by the student are directed to the A.D.A. Official (VPSS@Amberton.edu).