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Living in Gratitude: Embracing Abundance and Faith Image 16

Written by Amberton Faculty

Keeping a Spirit of Gratitude

two people shaking their hands and smiling at each other

Lost in the hustle and bustle of Christmas and the blitz to wrap up courses, there’s a little holiday called Thanksgiving. I think this day gets overlooked, and, as with many American holidays, the true meaning is skipped right over.

As Christians, we are mindful of the things we have to be grateful for. The word abundance has stuck with me in the weeks leading up to the holiday season.. We are blessed, living with more than enough provision. But it goes beyond that. We lead lives with an abundance of intangible blessings and grace.

If you look at from an American perspective, many of us are enjoying blessings that our parents and grandparents hoped for us. How many of us have the opportunity to “have it all” – the education, the family, the career, the house and car? We live in abundance.

Initially, the thought made me feel a twinge of guilt. I will be the first woman in my family to have all these things. But I recognized that in living in God’s gracious abundance, I have the opportunity to pour out even more.

How can I leverage my education to impact others around me? Can I use my skills and knowledge to help them achieve their own goals and ambitions? What is the calling in my life to further His kingdom with my career, based on the education I have been granted? How is my life positioned to make eternal impacts in ways not available to those before me?

These questions can be asked of you. How is God calling you to utilize the abundance in your storehouses?

The abundance we enjoy is not limited to the material possessions we have or the careers we’re working towards. We are abundantly blessed by the relationships and friendships fostered through our educational and professional networks. Don’t overlook the value or forsake the connections made during this season, especially in a like-minded, Christian environment.

How is God speaking to you this Thanksgiving season? How can you use your abundance for His glory?

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, from your family at Amberton University!

“For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance.” – Matthew 13:12a

About the Author

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Meet the dynamic voices behind Amberton University’s blog, where expertise meets passion. Our faculty members, along with driven and insightful students, form a diverse and ambitious group committed to sharing invaluable insights and knowledge with our community. From seasoned professionals to emerging thought leaders, our team brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to every topic we explore. Join us on this journey of discovery and enlightenment as we strive to empower and inspire through education.
Living in Gratitude: Embracing Abundance and Faith Image 19

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