Winter 2025 Schedule of Classes and Syllabi are now available!  Registration Begins Nov. 1st!

Paying for your education doesn’t have to be a scary undertaking. At Amberton University, our pay-as-you-go system allows students to graduate without debt. However, we make navigating the financials as simple as possible for those who need to take advantage of student loans.

Amberton believes in affordable education. We offer courses for $ 900 per 3 credit hours. Pretty great, right? This rate applies to undergraduate, graduate, in-state, and out-of-state students, as well as lecture and distance-learning courses. Even better, we’ve already done the math and the educational cost breakdown for you. Amberton's up-front, cost-effective tuition is specifically designed for working adults. We aim to get you to graduation without being buried in educational debt.

Now that you know how much to expect to pay for your tuition, you can figure out what you need to do to budget for it. Many companies offer tuition assistance or reimbursement as an added benefit for employees. They understand and appreciate how beneficial an educated workforce is. But if your employer isn’t paying for your education, and you can’t afford to pay for it out-of-pocket, there are loan solutions for private universities.

Amberton University provides a Private Loan Worksheet to help you determine your estimated cost of tuition, fees, and books. You must complete the worksheet before applying for a private student loan.

To qualify for private student loans, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Student borrowers enrolled at least half-time may apply. Generally, undergraduates are considered half-time if enrolled in 6 hours per session, while graduates must be enrolled in 3 hours.
  • The minimum loan amount is currently $1,000.00. Students may be able to borrow up to the full cost of tuition, fees, and books as certified by the University. Amberton will only certify loan amounts for the estimated costs of tuition, fees, and books for the loan period, usually one academic year. Your loan will not be approved to cover living expenses.

A quick Google search will also provide you with various lender options. Find the one that best fits your financial situation and consider interest rates, repayment options, and deferment and forbearance.

Sallie Mae® currently offers loans to qualified Amberton students through the Smart Option Student Loan® program. Students can apply directly online and receive approval within a few hours.

Amberton’s staff are eager to assist you in achieving educational success and satisfaction. You can reach our Financial Aid Office at or contact Student Services at (972) 279-6511 to help you navigate the process and get your future started!

The Evolving Landscape of Human Resources

The working world has changed dramatically, and the need for a degree is evident in every career field, including human resources.

As organizational expectations of the potential contributions of a human resources professional have increased, so has the need for HR leaders to possess both experience and a degree.

The Role of Human Resources in Business Success

Managers and supervisors are keys to overall business success.

Everyone understands that human resources are entrusted with sensitive business materials. They are also expected to contribute to employee retention, recruit candidates, develop the organization, and foster a positive working environment.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook:

"A master's degree in human resources, labor relations, or business administration with a concentration in human resources management is highly recommended for those seeking general and top management positions."

Benefits of Furthering Your Education

Furthering your education with a Master’s degree can only benefit your career long-term. Practitioners enjoy a variety of career options and can flex different strengths within their jobs.

There is diversity in the field.

Amberton University's Human Resource Training and Development Program

Our HR Training and Development program graduates fill leadership positions in various public and private settings.

The faculty in the program are dedicated to their student's success, focusing on the benefit and growth of the whole individual.

"Our professors are high touch. We're constantly reaching out to our students, seeing what we can do to help them. We are there for our students, and we respond quickly, which differentiates us," said Amberton Faculty member Dr. DiAnn Sanchez.

Take the Next Step in Your Career

If you’re ready to take the next step in your career, contact Amberton University advisors or read about the program here.

Life is all about problem-solving, time management, and efficiency. Those who understand how to manage the nuances and functions surrounding these issues often find professional success.

Enter the project manager.

Navigating the Landscape of Time Management

Companies across industries incorporate project managers into their day-to-day operations and business models. They need a jack of all trades—someone who can analyze a problem, strategize solutions, manage a team, and communicate effectively.

Project management is a pretty broad field. It deals primarily with identifying a set of requirements that various stakeholders in the company might have, then taking those requirements and building a program or project to address or solve those requirements,” said Amberton Business Associate Faculty Dr. Blair Stephenson.

The Role of Project Managers

When deciding where to pursue a degree in project management, keep in mind the importance of practical application.

You need to prove you can achieve as much as you have the knowledge and academic understanding. Your technical skills are equally important as your cognitive abilities.

Practical Application

“Amberton has such a focus on being practical in the delivery and the content of the courses that we try to provide. As you move through the courses, you don’t really have to wait until you have the degree to gain value from what you’re studying,” Dr. Stephenson said.

Flexibility Beyond Graduation

A Bachelor of Business Administration in Project Management does provide you with some degree of flexibility. Basic principles and applications can be adapted across many industries. Don't be afraid of being pigeonholed after graduation. Take your instructors' and peers' experiences and testimonies and modify them to your needs and success.

Check out what Amberton's professors say about the Project Management degree program here.

If you think Amberton's BBA in Project Management could be the right fit for you, contact our advisors at or by phone at 972.279.6511 now!

Simply skating through college and getting the work done isn’t anyone’s idea of a great college experience - traditional student or otherwise. If you just want to tread water and get a piece of paper in the end, maybe college isn’t for you.

As an adult learner, it’s safe to say you probably want to thrive and grow during the course of your college career.

It cannot be understated that adult learners have a leg up on students entering college straight out of high school. You have maturity, you have professional and life experience, and you have the skills needed to juggle it all.

When the road seems long and unending, remember: you were made to excel and to achieve much.

Keep in mind some of these basic tips:

Seek a Balance

Rest is an essential part of the human condition. Everyone needs it, everyone benefits from it. Seek and establish a balance between work, school, family and friends.

Don’t get sucked into the vortex of research papers, tests and studying. The better able you are to shift gears, the better you’ll feel and the more you will accomplish in each of your roles.

Be Prepared to Feel Overwhelmed

College is a season of character building. There’s a lot going in your life right now. Expect to have moments where it seems a bit too much. As odd as it might seem, be prepared to feel completely unprepared.

The trick is knowing that you’re not the only one feeling that way. Every single college student has felt that way on more than one occasion. Focus on the horizon and ignore the waves
around you.

Become an Expert on Course Requirements and Due Dates

Your professors will give you all the details you need to be successful for the semester. Memorize the syllabus. You’ll be saving yourself a lot of heartache if you know what you need to do to communicate you understand the material.

Knowing when you have papers due, presentations, and test dates seems like a no-brainer. And it probably is. That doesn’t mean it isn’t something you just might overlook.

However you choose to organize yourself and your calendar is unique to you. If you have to write it in a planner, that’s fantastic. If you have to send yourself faxes from the future, even better. Do not forget due dates and find yourself scrambling the night before.

Develop a Time Management System & Stay On Top of Assignments

When you’re keeping on track and making sure all your responsibilities are staying under control, you’re going to feel like you are thriving. Establishing a time management system will make your life as an adult student much easier and much more enjoyable.

Don’t allow yourself to be swamped by all the different things you have to maintain. Never put off what can be done today.

Get a Study Partner or Study Group

You don't need to make the trek solo to thrive in college. In each course, find a study partner or a small study group. You’ll develop lasting relationships with people that will benefit you (and them) in the present and the future. As a working adult, you understand the importance of networking and relying on others to help improve your own skills. Iron sharpens iron. Study groups make for a better student.

Thriving in college isn’t out of reach or a cheesy catchphrase. At Amberton, the faculty and staff want you to thrive during your time at the university.

Use all of Amberton’s student resources, lean on your fellow students and your family, and you will love every bit of your college experience.

The new year has just begun. How many of us are already guilty of abandoning our resolutions? And if you haven’t yet, has the temptation to cut bait already snuck into your head? Be honest. How silly is it to rely on the calendar flipping over to commit to improving yourself or making a life change? What is it about our society that has us believing we can only make dramatic alterations when it’s a new year?

Now Is The Perfect Time

If you’ve been considering going back to school or continuing your education now is the perfect time to take the plunge and make the change, but not because it’s suddenly 2024. At Amberton, we are accepting applications right now for the spring semester! With 10-week courses designed for the working adult student, there’s never been a better opportunity to earn your degree. Our classes are offered during the evenings, on weekends and online to be conducive to your busy schedule. A life change like going back to school as a working adult seems intimidating. Defeat the doubts that plague you and don’t allow them to keep you from pursuing your goals and dreams! The benefits of earning your degree are worth overcoming the challenges and apprehensions that are in front of you. If you’re just not ready to make your resolution, that’s ok. We’re not the kind to wait for January 1 to spur change. We like April 18 as much as September 24. Make 2024 and every year your year. If you have questions or concerns about how to apply, our advisers are able to help you in any way they can. Send an email to: or call 972-279-6511. We’re excited about your new journey!