Amberton University is a nondenominational Christian institution. All of our employees believe that Jesus of the New Testament Bible is the Son of God, the Christ, our Savior. The foundation for the ethical standards of Amberton is based on the Christian principles presented in the New Testament of the Bible and are reflected in our mission statement.
Amberton University is committed to Christian values, both in its conduct of business and in its educational philosophy. The University’s employees endorse and strive to live the ethical values and principles taught by the New Testament of the Bible. This commitment to Christian ethics enables the University to provide its students with a stability of values and a value system.
Amberton University is a specialized institution designed to meet the specific educational needs of mature students.
Amberton University combines relevant technical and cognitive training with techniques for problem-solving in developing the student’s capability to identify and select solutions to economic, social, and personal problems. The academic skills and Christian values imparted by the University enable each student to better appreciate his/her own worth and to exercise insight into those patterns of facts and events that affect human relations and social values.
Amberton University will provide educational programs and services in those areas in which it is best qualified. When academically and financially feasible, the institution is committed to the continuous transformation of the educational process in direct response to the needs of the student and the community.
Amberton University, in its endeavor to be a center for learning, a society in which all are students, will employ responsible experimentation and innovation. New as well as traditional techniques will be continuously identified, applied, and evaluated in an effort to facilitate teaching and learning.