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Eligibility Criteria

Financial Aid Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria – Financial Aid

Each financial aid grant, loan, and employment program has eligibility requirements that, to be awarded and receive the funds, you must meet. Most of the programs have shared eligibility requirements.

To be eligible to receive Federal Student Financial Aid, you must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States of America, or be an eligible non-citizen. An example of an eligible non-citizen is someone who has been granted the status of Permanent Resident by the United States Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS). Additional information on the definition of an eligible non-citizen can be found at
  • Be enrolled in a degree-seeking program at Amberton University.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Have a valid Social Security number (unless you are from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau).
  • Meet Financial Aid enrollment requirements. For undergraduate students, half-time for financial aid purposes is at least 6 credit hours in the summer, fall, winter, and spring sessions. Federal Pell Grant awards are based on actual credit hours enrollment as determined by the Federal Pell Grant Payment Schedule published each year by the U. S. Department of Education.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • Sign the statement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) stating that:
    • You are not in default on a federal student loan and do not owe a refund of a previously awarded federal student aid grant.
    • You will use federal student aid only for educational purposes.
  • Show you are qualified to obtain a college education by:
    • Having a high school diploma or a recognized equivalent such as a General Educational Development (GED) certificate, or
    • Completing a high school education in a home school setting approved under state law.

To be considered for financial aid eligibility, the classes taken must be:

  1. Required for you to complete your degree.
  2. Registered in courses by the last day of registration/last day for a full refund during each session.

Classes not considered for financial aid eligibility are:

  1. Courses attempted at other colleges and universities.
  2. Secondary repeats of a course you have previously passed.