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Curious about what’s next for you? Join us for an engaging Information Session where you can discover all that Amberton has to offer!
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📅 Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024
🕒 Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
👉 RSVP at Info@Amberton.edu
Don’t miss out—your journey starts here! 🚀
Zoom Link:  https://ambertonuniversity.zoom.us/j/87217905361?pwd=rorxCwk9hW4SXcDaCAahBHY6FyyF3W.1 Meeting ID: 872 1790 5361 - Passcode: WINTER2025

You dutifully undertake extra responsibilities at home. You’re a steadfast support, homework checker and study buddy. You’re the piece that really completes the whole puzzle. And you are appreciated.

Generally, the families and support systems of students aren’t recognized until graduation day. Sometimes in the grind of starting and completing a college education, the focus is so dialed in on the student, that the importance and vital support from the family can be overlooked or even taken for granted. So, on behalf of your student, and in advance, you’re the best.

You’re the best because you’re going to deal with a lot, and will still hold it all together.

  1. Be understanding

  2. Supporting your spouse’s decision to go back to school might seem like a one-time decision, but you will have to wake up each morning and choose to be understanding. You might even have to make that decision multiple times a day. Going back to school is stressful and can be intimidating. Be reassuring of your partner’s capabilities and understanding of the feelings, emotions, and responsibilities they’ve undertaken. You are the lighthouse in the storm.
  3. Allow them to focus

  4. Stepping up to the plate and shouldering more responsibility at home so your spouse can buckle down on their studying and school work will make all the difference in your spouse’s academic success. Ultimately, academic success will result in professional success that will benefit your family for years to come.
  5. Celebrate the accomplishments

  6. The best part of being a fan is watching your team win. The best part of being a spouse when your partner is in school is seeing them get an A, pass the class, graduate, and just be excellent overall. Break out those pom poms, boys and girls! Celebrate those achievements! Remind your spouse you are proud of their accomplishments - no matter how small they might be.
  7. Stay connected

  8. School is in session and everyone is busy. Dedicate yourself to making time to regularly connect with your spouse. It’s a running theme for any married couple - make time for each other, date your spouse, communicate. But it’s worth repeating. Stay anchored in your relationship. Don’t allow the research papers, presentations, and finals to take over your lives completely.
  9. Remember it’s only for a season

  10. College won’t last forever. Eventually, your spouse will complete the graduation requirements and earn their degree. The routine will shift again, and you’ll live more like you did before they enrolled. You’ll have made it through the hardship together. Seasons are temporary, and even though you might not know exactly when graduation day will be, it will come. When choosing to be supportive is harder, remember it’s just a short season of life.

You are special. You are valued. And when graduation day comes at Amberton, it’s as much about you as it is about your student spouse. So put on your game face, and rock this school experience together.

Have questions about Amberton? Join our Advisors for a live Zoom, Thursday, August 29th from 6:30pm - 7:30pm!  RSVP at Info@Amberton.edu. Zoom Link:  https://ambertonuniversity.zoom.us/j/87217905361?pwd=fk5rcS92k3ugz9WelgVvdArU5BgTjd.1 Meeting ID: 872 1790 5361 - Passcode: FALL24
Have questions about Amberton? Join our Advisors for a live Zoom, Saturday, August 3rd from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm!  RSVP at Info@Amberton.edu. Zoom Link:  https://ambertonuniversity.zoom.us/j/87217905361?pwd=fk5rcS92k3ugz9WelgVvdArU5BgTjd.1 Meeting ID: 872 1790 5361 - Passcode: FALL24
Finals are tough. No one enjoys taking them. But they’re a necessary evil for every college student. Studying for the big test is important -- of course, you know that. As finals approach it’s important to maintain consistent study sessions. When you’re getting those study juices flowing, remember these tips to maximize your time and efforts.

1. Make a Schedule

You’re a working adult student. You’ve had to carve out time to go to class, write papers, create presentations, study for tests; making time specifically to study for a final is not anything new to you. Don’t overlook or take for granted the time needed to study for the biggest exam of the semester. What’s the best way to eat a whole elephant? One bite at a time. Think of your study sessions the same way. You’ll retain more information if you divide up the material into manageable chunks, and spread out the units over the number of days you have for studying.

2. Find a Quiet Place to Concentrate

No matter what your study and homework sessions looked like throughout the semester, you have to devote your time to studying without distractions before finals. Generally, it’s the biggest portion of your grade for the class. Do you really want to risk anything less than your best because your little one chucked macaroni at you, or the line at Starbucks wrapped around your study table?

3. Ask Questions

Your professors are here to help you learn, grow, and retain the information so you can apply it in your career. If you’re unsure about a topic, ask for clarification. Make sure you set yourself up to understand. Pro tip: if your professor provides you with study guides or a practice final, complete it! Mark it up. Write all over it. And take the practice test a couple of times.

4. Cater to Your Learning Style and Preferences

By the time finals roll around you should be familiar with what works for you during your study sessions. Stick to that game plan. It’s not the time to deviate and try something new. Do what you do, and then knock it out of the park!

5. Take a Break and Rest

This is a biggie. Don’t get so bogged down studying before finals week that you kill your energy and have nothing left in the tank. Have faith that you’ve prepared yourself throughout the course for this last moment. Study and do your thing, but then take time for yourself and relax. Finish the race strong! Finals week sounds daunting and demanding than it really is. It is rigorous, but you’re a working adult student. You’re a rockstar! When you’re walking out of your exam know that you’ve accomplished a lot in taking and completing the course. Savor the feeling and know you’re thriving in college.
Guess what? School is going to be stressful. Going to school and working and keeping up with your responsibilities is going to be tough. You’re going to be overwhelmed.

Embracing Time Management

But guess what else? There are hundreds of stress management techniques that will help you through the grind. Unmanaged stress is costly. Allowing the pressure to build and your anxiety to run rampant will affect your mental and physical health, and the quality of your production.

1. Mastering Time Management

Manage your time effectively by having a game plan in place to make the most of your 24-hour day. Knowing what you need to get done, how long it will take, and when you’re going to commit to completing it will keep your stress levels as low as they can be.

2. Discover Relaxation Techniques

Learn the best ways to relax yourself. Find what calms you and re-energizes you. Commit to regular, consistent self-maintenance to ease your stress and decompress.

3. Let Go of Minor Issues

Don’t sweat the little things. Focus on the things you can control and let the other things do what they will. Be resilient like a duck, letting the nuisances roll off your back.

4. Cultivate Positivity

Be positive! Give yourself affirmations about how awesome and inspirational you are. Never get down on yourself for making the choice to take the hard road.

5. Maintain Emotional Balance

Avoid extreme reactions. Maintain an even keel, work hard, and enjoy the ride. Don’t let stress cause you to spiral into turmoil. Stress doesn’t have to dictate your life or your college experience. Don’t allow the pressures to decrease your ability to complete your coursework as best you can. You can find a healthy balance while working and going to school. And you’ll do great!
Have questions about Amberton? Join our Advisors for a live Zoom, Saturday, June 1st from 12 pm to 1 pm!  RSVP at Info@Amberton.edu. Zoom Link:  https://ambertonuniversity.zoom.us/j/87217905361?pwd=cqCScdWOaBlezLjUvnlbvTU9p6Y1dS.1 Meeting ID: 872 1790 5361 - Passcode: SUMMER24
Have questions about Amberton? Join our Advisors for a live Zoom, Thursday, May 2nd from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm!  RSVP at Info@Amberton.edu. Zoom Link:  https://ambertonuniversity.zoom.us/j/87217905361?pwd=cqCScdWOaBlezLjUvnlbvTU9p6Y1dS.1 Meeting ID: 872 1790 5361 - Passcode: SUMMER24

Simply skating through college and getting the work done isn’t anyone’s idea of a great college experience - traditional student or otherwise. If you just want to tread water and get a piece of paper in the end, maybe college isn’t for you.

As an adult learner, it’s safe to say you probably want to thrive and grow during the course of your college career.

It cannot be understated that adult learners have a leg up on students entering college straight out of high school. You have maturity, you have professional and life experience, and you have the skills needed to juggle it all.

When the road seems long and unending, remember: you were made to excel and to achieve much.

Keep in mind some of these basic tips:

Seek a Balance

Rest is an essential part of the human condition. Everyone needs it, everyone benefits from it. Seek and establish a balance between work, school, family and friends.

Don’t get sucked into the vortex of research papers, tests and studying. The better able you are to shift gears, the better you’ll feel and the more you will accomplish in each of your roles.

Be Prepared to Feel Overwhelmed

College is a season of character building. There’s a lot going in your life right now. Expect to have moments where it seems a bit too much. As odd as it might seem, be prepared to feel completely unprepared.

The trick is knowing that you’re not the only one feeling that way. Every single college student has felt that way on more than one occasion. Focus on the horizon and ignore the waves
around you.

Become an Expert on Course Requirements and Due Dates

Your professors will give you all the details you need to be successful for the semester. Memorize the syllabus. You’ll be saving yourself a lot of heartache if you know what you need to do to communicate you understand the material.

Knowing when you have papers due, presentations, and test dates seems like a no-brainer. And it probably is. That doesn’t mean it isn’t something you just might overlook.

However you choose to organize yourself and your calendar is unique to you. If you have to write it in a planner, that’s fantastic. If you have to send yourself faxes from the future, even better. Do not forget due dates and find yourself scrambling the night before.

Develop a Time Management System & Stay On Top of Assignments

When you’re keeping on track and making sure all your responsibilities are staying under control, you’re going to feel like you are thriving. Establishing a time management system will make your life as an adult student much easier and much more enjoyable.

Don’t allow yourself to be swamped by all the different things you have to maintain. Never put off what can be done today.

Get a Study Partner or Study Group

You don't need to make the trek solo to thrive in college. In each course, find a study partner or a small study group. You’ll develop lasting relationships with people that will benefit you (and them) in the present and the future. As a working adult, you understand the importance of networking and relying on others to help improve your own skills. Iron sharpens iron. Study groups make for a better student.

Thriving in college isn’t out of reach or a cheesy catchphrase. At Amberton, the faculty and staff want you to thrive during your time at the university.

Use all of Amberton’s student resources, lean on your fellow students and your family, and you will love every bit of your college experience.

Introduction to Online Course Management Systems

Traditional classes are familiar to many: attending lectures, interacting face-to-face with professors and peers, and submitting hard copies of assignments. But how do online courses actually function? Online classes operate through specialized platforms called course management systems. These platforms, hosted on university servers, serve as the bridge between students, professors, and course materials. While each system may have its unique features, they typically encompass tools for class discussions, announcements, assignments, content delivery, communication, assessments, and grading.

Navigating Your Virtual Classroom

Upon entering the virtual classroom, it's essential to become acquainted with the platform's functionalities. Most online course management systems are designed to be intuitive, allowing for easy navigation and interaction with course materials. Take the time to explore the various commands and components available. Whether it's accessing discussion boards, submitting assignments, or checking grades, understanding these features enhances your online learning experience.

Flexibility and Convenience

Embracing Flexibility

One of the primary advantages of online classes is their flexibility. Unlike traditional classes with fixed schedules, online courses offer the freedom to complete coursework at your own pace and convenience. With access to course materials anytime and anywhere, including via mobile devices, you have the flexibility to balance your studies with other commitments.

Leveraging Mobile Accessibility

Most course management systems are compatible with mobile devices, allowing you to stay connected and engaged with your coursework on the go. Whether you're commuting, traveling, or simply prefer mobile access, this flexibility empowers you to manage your education efficiently.

Engaging in Online Learning

Diverse Engagement Methods

Online classes encompass a variety of engagement methods, ranging from written discussions to multimedia presentations. Each course may adopt different approaches to foster student participation and collaboration. Regardless of the format, embrace these diverse engagement methods as opportunities to enhance your skills and knowledge. Whether it's contributing to discussion threads or delivering video presentations, active participation enriches your learning experience.

Academic Rigor and Self-Discipline

Dispelling the notion of online classes being easier, they demand the same level of academic rigor as traditional courses. In fact, the absence of scheduled class times requires a higher degree of self-discipline and focus. Maintain a proactive approach to your studies, avoiding procrastination and staying committed to deadlines. By upholding high standards and dedicating yourself to learning, you'll achieve academic success in online courses.

Considering Online Education

If you're considering enrolling in online classes or seeking guidance on their suitability for your educational goals, reach out to academic advisors. They can provide valuable insights and support to navigate the online learning landscape effectively. Contact our advisors at 972.694.4162 or online at advisor@amberton.edu to explore online education opportunities and embark on your educational journey with confidence.