The Spring 2025 Schedule of ClassesSyllabi are Available Now!

Classes Begin March 15th!



Amberton University will update this site with changes/announcements affecting students in the Master of Arts – School Counseling Program.  Students should refer to this site as well as the University’s Catalog and the Master of Arts – School Counseling Handbook (located in the Publications section of the website) for detailed information about the program.  Questions not addressed through the Catalog, Handbook, or website, may be directed to the program coordinator, Dr. Vicki Millican (


Amberton University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award bachelor’s and master’s degrees.  Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone (404) 679-4500, or for questions about the accreditation of Amberton University.

Amberton University is recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the United States Department of Education as a licensed, degree-granting institution.

Amberton University is recognized by the Texas Education Agency with a status of  “Accredited” to offer an Educator Preparation Program, which satisfies the academic and certification requirements for the School Counseling Certification as established by the Texas State Board of Educator Certification.


Educator Preparation Program Annual Accountability Reports

2016 – 17 Reports

2017 – 18 Reports

Commendations for Amberton University


Amberton University – Annual Pass Rates Based on ASEP Rules






# of Test Takers






Number of Tests Taken






Number of Tests Passed






Percent of Tests Passed






To access Consumer Information about Educator Preparation Programs, click here.


Effect of Supply and Demand Forces on Educator Workforce in Texas

Texas Education Code 21.044 requires that Educator Preparation Programs share information with potential applicants regarding the effect of supply and demand forces on the educator workforce in this state.  Click on the links below to view the information.

Bureau of Labor Statistics School/Career Counselors – September 2020

Bureau of Labor Statistics Substance Abuse/Behavioral Disorder/Mental Health Counselors

Information provided by the Texas Education Agency



All Amberton University students are expected to abide by the “Ethical Standards Expected of Students” as stated in the Student Handbook section of the Amberton University Catalog.  In addition, all students admitted to the University’s Master of Arts – School Counseling EPP are expected to adhere to the Educators’ Code of Ethics and to sign a statement attesting to such adherence.

Violations of the ethical standards expected of students may result in disciplinary action. Such action may take the form of a reprimand, probation, suspension, legal sanctions, and/or expulsion from the University. Suspension and any discipline short of expulsion are not considered punishment but a part of the educational process. A student may be suspended for an indefinite period of time, depending upon the offense. Expulsion is permanent.

A student who violates the Educators’ Code of Ethics may be subject to the same disciplinary actions as a student who violates the University’s “Ethical Standards Expected of Students”.  Amberton University will consider any legal actions taken as a determining influence in reaching a decision relative to the institution.




Candidates applying for and students enrolled in Amberton University’s Master of Arts School Counseling Program are expected to understand and adhere to the ethical and academic standards as outlined in the current Amberton University Catalog, Educators’ Code of Ethics (Chapter 247, Title 19, Texas Administrative Code), Texas Counseling Association Code of Ethics, and American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics.  Those standards are incorporated by reference into this document.  In addition, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual misconduct, including assault, stalking, or any form of sexual harassment is unethical and will not be tolerated by Amberton University.  See the University’s website for the complete Sexual Misconduct and Non-discrimination (Title IX and Title VII) Statements.

Amberton University caters to working adults. Each student’s behavior is to reflect a refined maturity and attitude that complies with the academic and ethical standards outlined in the University’s current catalog and the Codes of Ethics referenced above.  The Amberton School Counseling Program is obligated by professional ethics and University procedure to assess students on an ongoing basis as to their potential for meeting expectations of school counseling professionals. Attendance at Amberton University is a privilege, not a right.  If, in the judgment of the University, a student’s academic performance or personal conduct is substandard, the University retains the right to deny the student further enrollment.

Violations of the Amberton University’s academic or ethical standards or the Codes of Ethics referenced above that are expected of school counseling students may result in disciplinary action. Such action may take the form of a reprimand, probation, suspension, legal sanctions, and/or expulsion from the University. Suspension and any discipline short of expulsion are not considered punishment, but a part of the educational process. A student may be suspended for an indefinite period, depending upon the offense.  Expulsion from the School Counseling Program and from Amberton University is permanent.

“Due Process” in the handling an alleged violation will follow the specific guidelines presented in the current Amberton University Catalog under “Due Process in Handling Violations of Ethical Standards” should a student be accused of violating academic or ethical standards.

* All students desiring to be admitted to the School Counseling program at Amberton University must attest to their understanding of and compliance with the policies contained herein before and during acceptance into the program.  It is the responsibility of the student to review this information and to thoroughly understand its contents before being accepted to the University.


Complaint Process for the Educator Preparation Program

The Texas Administrative Code (Rule §228.70) requires that Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) maintain a process for filing and resolving complaints and provide information for filing formal complaints with the Texas Education Agency (TEA).  If you have a complaint about the Amberton University Educator Preparation Program, please follow the institution’s “Student Grievance and Appeal” Process.  For the purpose of this instruction, the terms “grievance” and “complaint” are used interchangeably.


  1. First, whenever possible, the matter in question should be discussed directly with the person causing the grievance.  Every effort should be made to resolve the grievance on a one-on-one basis.  If the grievance concerns a grade earned in a class, the student must understand that he/she cannot challenge the judgment of the instructor but only the accuracy of the grade and/or fact.
  2. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the one-on-one effort (or if the student does not know who the specific individual is who caused the grievance), the student may contact the appropriate administrator for assistance (Academic Dean for academic-related and student services appeals; Vice President for Administrative Services for financial appeals).  The appeal to an administrator should be in writing.
    • The student’s written grievance should be explicit and include any support materials.
    • The University will respond to all written grievances and include them as a part of institutional records.
    • All grievances will be processed expeditiously.
  3. If the student is dissatisfied with the solution proposed by the designated administrator, the student may appeal, in writing, to the President.  The student may include additional information or facts in the written appeal.  The President may make a final decision immediately or elect to form a grievance-hearing committee to consider the complaint.  The committee, if appointed, will review all written documents and forward their recommendation to the President, whose decision shall be final. All student grievances must first be addressed internally.
  4. Texas Education Agency Complaint:  If you believe that the Amberton University EPP has violated state law or rule in resolving your complaint, you may file a formal complaint with the Texas Education Agency.  The complaint process allows for an applicant, candidate, employee, or former employee of an EPP, a cooperating teacher, a mentor, or an administrator in a school district, charter school, or private school to submit a complaint about an EPP for investigation and resolution.
  • The complaint process allows individuals to seek redress in areas where they feel that the program did not fulfill requirements for certification or for actions that the individual feels are wrong.  Educator preparation programs may also file a complaint about the actions of other EPP programs when it involves a candidate’s transfer into or out of a program.
  • Not all complaints fall under the authority of TEA. TEA has jurisdiction to investigate allegations of noncompliance regarding specific laws and rules, generally related to state and federal requirements. Complaints may address educator preparation program requirements listed in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §§ 227, 228, 229, ethics (TAC §247), fingerprinting (TAC §§227, 232) and certification (TAC §§230, 231, 232, 239, 241, 242).  TEA staff and the SBEC do not have jurisdiction over complaints related to contractual arrangements with an EPP, commercial issues, obtaining a higher grade or credit for training, or seeking reinstatement to an EPP.
  • Further information on the TEA Complaint Process and access to the TEA Complaint Form may be found on the TEA website.

National Criminal History Background Checks

 The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) requires all applicants to submit fingerprints for a national criminal history background check.  All applicants for Texas educator certification must complete the national criminal history background check through the DPS and the FBI. There are no exemptions for those who were fingerprinted in another state.  More information on national criminal history background checks and the fingerprinting process, may be found on the TEA website:

Preliminary Criminal History Background Evaluation FAQs

Fingerprinting Process

Effect of Criminal History on Certification

Having a criminal history may prevent individuals from becoming certified.  If you have reason to believe that you may be ineligible for educator certification due to a conviction or deferred adjudication for a felony or misdemeanor offense, you are strongly encouraged to request a Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation.  Visit the TEA page on Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation FAQs and National Criminal History Checks FAQs for more information.

Preliminary Criminal History Background Evaluation FAQs

National Criminal History Checks FAQs

Educator Certification Examination Retake Limit Change 

Texas Education Code §21.048 limits candidates to four attempts to retake any educator certification examination. This means that candidates are limited to a total of five attempts to pass a certification examination. The five attempts include the first attempt to pass the examination and four retakes. A subsection of the law, which currently counts all attempts of the same examination taken before September 1, 2015 as only one attempt, is set to expire. Beginning September 1, 2018, all attempts of the same examination will count toward the five-attempt testing limit regardless of when the examination was first attempted.

Note: Candidates who did not test before 09/01/2015 are not impacted by the change. All attempts have always been included in the attempt count for these candidates.

Candidates who reach the 5-time testing limit may apply for a test-limit waiver to attempt the examination again. Candidates must pay an application fee of $164 and complete all required components, including analysis of prior test results and completion of educational activities directly related to the candidate’s test for which he/she is applying, before test approval will be granted.

We encourage enrolled candidates who are in danger of reaching the 5-time testing limit to register and take their test(s) well before 09/01/2018.  Enrolled candidates must continue to meet Amberton University’s testing requirements to gain test approval.

Visit the TEA Educator Testing webpage for more information.  The Frequently Asked Questions document should answer most questions about the test-limit waiver process. Additional questions may be submitted through a HelpDesk ticket or by calling the TEA Educator Testing unit at (512) 463-9039.