There’s Still Time to Register for the Fall Session! Late Registration ends Sept. 21st!
View our Schedule of Classes and Syllabi!

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Refund Policy

Tuition Refund Policy

A student who officially drops a class during the first week of the regular ten-week session will be entitled to a full refund of tuition. A student who drops during subsequent weeks will be refunded at the following rates:

  • WEEK 2 – 80%
  • WEEK 3 – 60%
  • WEEK 4 – 40%
  • WEEK 5 – 20%

After The Fifth Week, No Refund Is Due.

The refund schedule is based on the beginning date of the session and continues for five (5) consecutive weeks. Actual dates are included in each session’s Schedule of Classes. For sessions that are less than ten weeks duration, the refund schedule will be stated in the session’s publications.

To be considered official, the class drop must be in writing and signed by the student requesting the drop; no drop is accepted verbally. The official date of the drop is the date the written notice is formally received by the University, NOT the postmarked date or the date stated in the notice. The University’s record concerning a drop is indisputable, unless the student can provide reliable evidence of an earlier receipt date.

An official drop may be submitted by completing the Request for a Change of Schedule form or by written notice containing the student’s name, signature, I.D. number, and course(s) to be dropped. The notice may be faxed, mailed, e-mailed, or hand delivered to the University. (Refer to the University’s web site for the fax number and e-mail information.) For the student’s convenience, the notice may be submitted in the Student Services Office (Garland Campus and Frisco Center) or placed in one of the designated drop boxes located inside and outside the Garland Main Campus facility.

Military Students and Unearned Tuition Assistance

Once the University is notified of unearned TA funds, the funding is returned to the appropriate funding source. The University has a pro-rated refund schedule through the first five (5) weeks of each session.  After the fifth week of a given session, there is no tuition refund given to students who officially withdraw. When a student officially withdraws during the first week of a session, there is a 100% refund of tuition charges. During the next four (4) weeks, the amount of tuition refund reduces to 80%, then 60%, 40%, and 20%. If a student has a credit balance due to withdrawing and TA funds were previously received, the student can request a refund and provide the University with information on where to send the refund. Service members who have to withdraw during a session due to receiving deployment orders or other military service obligations must inform the University of this when they withdraw and the University will work with the student on the tuition charges for the affected session to ensure the service member does not incur a student debt. Unearned TA funds will be returned on a proportional rate based on the percentage of the session completed up to 60% of the session completed.