Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes and Syllabi are now available! Registration Begins Aug. 1st!

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Business Acumen

The course is a prerequisite course for the MBA in General Business and the MBA in Management degrees. The course is designed for those students who have not completed an undergraduate degree in business or those students who want a “refresher course” before starting an MBA. The course provides a solid basis of business knowledge, strategies, and tactics at a general, introductory level. The predominant goal for this course is to enable the student to understand fundamental business concepts to better prepare them to successfully complete the courses required for the above-named MBA degree programs. The course also meets the requirement for an upper-level Business Administration elective in the University’s undergraduate programs.


  • Identifying and evaluating influential literature relevant to business acumen topics.
  • Discussing the meaning of business acumen and its importance as a foundation to developing additional business management and leadership skills.
  • Synthesizing and applying universal ethical principles to business acumen in modern organizations.
  • Understanding the importance of business acumen as it relates to competitive analysis, decision-making, strategy development and implementation, and change management.
  • Discussing how business management and leadership operational decision-making creates business value.
  • Understanding how to create and build an organization that prioritizes business fundamentals in the decision-making process.
  • Analyzing, evaluating and applying stakeholders’ feedback to prioritize and improve future business endeavors.
  • Analyzing, evaluating, and applying business management best practices for effective and informed decision-making in modern organizations.
  • Identifying how statistical analysis impacts decision-making, competition, change management, and other strategic decisions.
  • Identifying and applying appropriate business management tools and technology to accomplish strategic operational goals.
  • Discussing the importance of leveraging business acumen knowledge to better enable organizations to analyze competition amongst firms and industries.
  • Identifying, evaluating, and applying effective methods and techniques for learning, applying, and improving business acumen.
  • Understanding the importance of leveraging risk management with business acumen fundamentals.
  • Understanding and evaluating business communication strategies for leveraging current and developing communication channels and technology.
  • Discussing the future of business acumen concepts and efficient approaches to integrating business management approaches.


Spring 2023 Download
Fall 2023 Download
Spring 2024 Download
Fall 2024 Download