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Choosing Your Learning Environment: Online vs On Campus

Time to get rockin’ and rollin’ on that degree. But, wait! Are you going to take your courses online or on campus? There really is a difference and it matters which way you choose to go. We live in a world full of options. Everything is based on convenience and can be adjusted to fit your needs.

Self-Reflection: Understanding Your Learning Style

Before you wade into a pros and cons list, you need to do some self-reflection. How do you learn best? Are you motivated and driven to the point of staying accountable and on top of your assignments without face-to-face contact? How will you react if the subject matter is difficult? Knowing and understanding how you’ll adjust to online or in-class learning will affect what you glean from your college experience. Be realistic about your lifestyle, personality and expectations of the college experience and choose the one that’s right for you.

Learning Style Considerations

Learning Style In the 1970’s, defining individualized learning styles changed how educators in America interacted and related materials to their students. Various models and theories suggest there are four main ways an individual learns best.
  • Visual/Verbal - you prefer to learn information by reading.
  • Visual/Nonverbal - you learn best with visual information, such as charts and graphs.
  • Auditory - you learn much more when the information is spoken to you, such as in a lecture .
  • Kinesthetic - you need to physically work with the information, such as a hands-on lab Many schools have adjusted their online classes to better engage different learning styles.
Professors upload video content to help aid auditory learners. Kinesthetic learners are challenged through critical thinking written response questions and discussions. Even though online classes of today are different than online classes even five to seven years ago, recognize and understand how you will be best engaged in your courses, and pay attention to how you absorb information differently in your online and on-campus classes.

Support Systems: Going Solo vs Having a Guide

There is a difference between online/keyboard interaction and actual face time with your instructor and classmates. If you work remotely, you know exactly what this means. Relationships are strengthened when you’re physically communicating with others. Sometimes that can make a difference in what you take from a class. Amberton’s class model is based on flexibility for the working adult. Classes are scheduled on evenings and weekends to allow students to juggle both their professional and educational lives. So don’t worry about having to decide between online classes and attending on campus simply to accommodate your schedule. There’s no right or wrong answer when deciding to take online or traditional courses. It’s based on your personal preference, and understanding yourself and your needs. Contact one of our academic advisors to see if online classes at Amberton University is the right fit for you!
The new year has just begun. How many of us are already guilty of abandoning our resolutions? And if you haven’t yet, has the temptation to cut bait already snuck into your head? Be honest. How silly is it to rely on the calendar flipping over to commit to improving yourself or making a life change? What is it about our society that has us believing we can only make dramatic alterations when it’s a new year?

Now Is The Perfect Time

If you’ve been considering going back to school or continuing your education now is the perfect time to take the plunge and make the change, but not because it’s suddenly 2024. At Amberton, we are accepting applications right now for the spring semester! With 10-week courses designed for the working adult student, there’s never been a better opportunity to earn your degree. Our classes are offered during the evenings, on weekends and online to be conducive to your busy schedule. A life change like going back to school as a working adult seems intimidating. Defeat the doubts that plague you and don’t allow them to keep you from pursuing your goals and dreams! The benefits of earning your degree are worth overcoming the challenges and apprehensions that are in front of you. If you’re just not ready to make your resolution, that’s ok. We’re not the kind to wait for January 1 to spur change. We like April 18 as much as September 24. Make 2024 and every year your year. If you have questions or concerns about how to apply, our advisers are able to help you in any way they can. Send an email to: or call 972-279-6511. We’re excited about your new journey!