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Is an MBA Worth It for Career Growth?

There are a few magical letters in the world. Everyone loves to hear Y-E-S. In baseball, it’s all about RBI. The military implements an endless catalog of acronyms. However, when it comes to business, an MBA is a credential that can launch careers and open doors to leadership opportunities. An often-asked question: What are the advantages of doing an MBA? That answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. To answer it for yourself, you must measure your goals and circumstances.

How an MBA Shapes Your Career Path

A career is a long-term endeavor to which you can expect to commit roughly 45 years of your life. Along that journey, you’ll find substantial opportunities for growth. You’ll develop skills, enjoy numerous promotions, and increase your responsibility and impact on your workplace. Investments in your education, training, and network take time to mature and reap benefits. It’s a journey, not just one step. The important part is finding the courage to start!

The Key Advantages of Doing an MBA

An MBA Demonstrates Work Ethic and Dedication While an MBA may not earn you an immediate promotion, it does make an undeniable statement about who you are. An MBA degree highlights your commitment to professional growth, leadership, and business expertise. It communicates to others how you’ll function in the workplace—you’re driven, knowledgeable, a finisher, and dedicated to success. An MBA Expands Career Flexibility and Business Knowledge Having an MBA also provides flexibility. One can enter various industries by building upon the foundational disciplines of economics, finance, management, and marketing. Best practices can be translated to other fields and shared with high-level executives, offering new career pathways and business leadership roles. An MBA Unlocks Leadership and Entrepreneurial Opportunities An MBA will help you achieve your goals if you are entrepreneurial or aspire to a leadership role within a corporation. Having an MBA isn’t a backstage pass to perpetual recognition in your career. But it can transform the opportunities that lie before you, open doors that would have otherwise remained sealed, and develop you into a capable and self-confident professional leading in today’s workplace and shaping tomorrow’s economy.

Start Your MBA Journey Today

If you have questions about how Amberton’s MBA program can work for you, please contact our advising staff today!

Making Moves in College

On its surface, returning to school may seem like continuing your education and pursuing your degree. But don’t be tempted to overlook the other aspects of the college experience that add value and help you advance. School is where you gather tools and give yourself the opportunity to have a professional leg up.

Cultivate Your Professional Network

As a working adult student, you know the importance of having a professional network. Developing and maintaining peer relationships will help you to have allies within your chosen profession. There will come a time when you’ll need them, and they’ll need you.

It will never be easier to build professional relationships than while you’re enrolled in college. When you’re engaged in a rigorous environment and working toward similar goals, developing camaraderie is natural, and it’s built to last.

Develop Or Clean Up Your Online Presence

This point shouldn’t surprise anyone. You may even wonder why bring it up, but if you’ve spent time around an HR department, you’ll know how much online behaviors impact the workplace.

If you’re behaving poorly online, stop it–it’s costing you, whether you see the impact or not. So, how should you use social platforms to your advantage?

Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Is it up-to-date? Are you connecting with your peers and actively using it? Use this educational period to work on your online presence. Take advantage of the added value!

There’s more to your professional online presence than just LinkedIn. X (Twitter) can be leveraged professionally, too. In any industry, there are influencers and motivators on X. Follow and engage with them and their followers to bolster your network.

Consider it research - what information or best practices can you glean from these individuals? Like any tool or technology, it’s all about utilizing it for good. The internet and social media are the same.

Take Advantage Of The School’s Professional Resources

No one has the perfect resume. No one has impeccable interviewing skills. These things are living tools. You wouldn’t get rid of your gardening tools once the flowers bloom, so don’t neglect the tools that help shape your career.

You should always be tweaking your resume, even if you’re happy with your career and place of employment. Anything can happen at any moment in the workplace, leaving you in need of an updated resume. If you’re not maintaining your resume, your skills will become dull. Losing your edge is the biggest catastrophe.

If your professors offer to evaluate your resume, allow them to do so. If you can submit your resume to a career services center on campus, do it. The more eyes on your resume, the more polished it will become.

Interviewing is an art form. Having the self-awareness to reflect and evaluate honestly how you present yourself and communicate in an interview is challenging. We’ve all heard that practice makes perfect, but there’s a caveat. In order to improve, you need forthright feedback.

In our professional culture, hiring managers rarely provide any assessment to candidates. Do yourself a favor and participate in mock interviews. You may be surprised to find something about yourself you didn’t even recognize.

Make the Most of Your Time

Don’t allow your time in school to pass by simply checking the boxes. If you’re just turning in your assignments and taking tests, let me assure you there’s so much more! At Amberton University, we want to prepare you to be ready, able, and excited for the next steps in your career. We want your toolbox to overflow.

Not all investments are created equal. Brand-new cars depreciate the second you pull off the lot. Stock values bounce up and down. The right education is certainly an investment. How do you determine the true value?

As you research and consider which school to enroll in, evaluate the tuition cost, faculty credentials, academic rigor, and job placement after graduation. Your education is an investment in your future, so will this institution educate you well?

Why Education is the Best Investment for Your Future

The return on your educational investment will vary depending on your location, economic uptops and downturns, and chosen career field. When you assess the categories that matter most, you’ll see why Amberton is such a special university.

With any college you choose, you should expect to receive a quality education and the skills necessary to perform competently in your chosen career. You expect a degree to elevate your competitive performance in the workforce. You also expect post-graduation support. That’s what you’re paying for. And who doesn’t love a little extra attention?

At Amberton, our professors show unparalleled enthusiasm for your education and success. They’re not trying to prove anything against you in the classroom; they’re genuinely rooting for your success and looking for ways to help you succeed.

“I am passionate about higher education because it puts students in a position to explore their passions, challenge their ideas, and reach their full potential, thereby allowing them to affect their families, workplaces, and communities positively.”

- Dr. Adam Guerrero, Associate Professor

As a nonprofit university, Amberton focuses solely on the educational needs of the students rather than the prestige often embodied by sports programs or campus facilities–all things paid for by elevated tuition. We believe Amberton University only succeeds when our students do.

“You have faculty, staff, and administrators all working harmoniously together for the benefit of that student.”

- Dr. Steven Tidwell, Business Professor

Amberton is a specialized institution designed to meet the specific educational needs of mature students. We tailor the schedule, experience, and curriculum for you. You can be confident that Amberton is committed to the continuous transformation of the educational process by directly responding to the needs of the students and the community. We want to adapt to the ever-evolving needs of the working adult so that education and the doors it unlocks are attainable.

“The faculty has a lot of experience and years of experience in their teaching disciplines. And our students - most of them are working students when they bring workplace issues to us, we can always help them,

- Dr. Deborah Hill, Academic Dean & Business Professor

Together, we create personal growth and transformation that will last a lifetime. That is the greatest benefit of investing in the right education for college.

By Dr. Sharon Price

All of the buzz about AI is central to every conversation these days. Even late adopters are intrigued by the possibilities in the race to implement this emerging technology in their respective fields. Accounting is no different. The consensus of how AI will impact the accounting profession may still need to be entirely determined, but changes are here for the accounting industry, and more will arise.

Students are asking great questions as they navigate the changing landscape. What accounting knowledge is still relevant to me for my future career plans? Will we even have an accounting profession? Is this technology capable of replacing the role of accounting in business?

Adapting to AI: The Future Skills for Accountants

Undoubtedly, the role of accounting is changing along with the skills necessary to be successful and relevant, but accounting remains a wonderful profession with incredible career opportunities.

The AICPA has suggested through its publication Reimagining Professional Accounting: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge and Educational Processes that in order to adapt to AI opportunities, accounting education must adjust its focus towards skills with the most impact in this transforming world:

  • Technical skills in data analytics will require ongoing training and development.
  • Business acumen will require a broader comprehension of the industry landscape and an increased understanding of strategy.
  • Critical Thinking must be employed to analyze AI outputs concerning multiple stakeholders. AI is not without ethical considerations, and outputs must be reviewed regarding potential bias and fairness.
  • Communication skills will continue to be a focus for those in the industry to relate complex financial information to those with less technical expertise.

Students with an accounting degree will be well prepared to add value to businesses with these skills. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the profession will continue to grow over the next ten years. At Amberton, we focus on developing the professional skills to help you succeed in tomorrow's workplace. Your Amberton degree or certificate is a foundation for a future of lifelong learning as you excel amidst the AI evolution and beyond.

Lost in the hustle and bustle of Christmas and the blitz to wrap up courses, there’s a little holiday called Thanksgiving. I think this day gets overlooked, and, as with many American holidays, the true meaning is skipped right over.

As Christians, we are mindful of the things we have to be grateful for. The word abundance has stuck with me in the weeks leading up to the holiday season.. We are blessed, living with more than enough provision. But it goes beyond that. We lead lives with an abundance of intangible blessings and grace.

If you look at from an American perspective, many of us are enjoying blessings that our parents and grandparents hoped for us. How many of us have the opportunity to “have it all” - the education, the family, the career, the house and car? We live in abundance.

Initially, the thought made me feel a twinge of guilt. I will be the first woman in my family to have all these things. But I recognized that in living in God’s gracious abundance, I have the opportunity to pour out even more.

How can I leverage my education to impact others around me? Can I use my skills and knowledge to help them achieve their own goals and ambitions? What is the calling in my life to further His kingdom with my career, based on the education I have been granted? How is my life positioned to make eternal impacts in ways not available to those before me?

These questions can be asked of you. How is God calling you to utilize the abundance in your storehouses?

The abundance we enjoy is not limited to the material possessions we have or the careers we’re working towards. We are abundantly blessed by the relationships and friendships fostered through our educational and professional networks. Don’t overlook the value or forsake the connections made during this season, especially in a like-minded, Christian environment.

How is God speaking to you this Thanksgiving season? How can you use your abundance for His glory?

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, from your family at Amberton University!

“For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance.” - Matthew 13:12a

Letter writing is an artform. It requires one to deliberately set aside time to complete them, which is challenging given our chaotic and busy world. Yet letters are so invaluable.

Before you start your first round of college courses, sit down and write a letter to yourself to read when you graduate.

Write down what you expect to take from your time in school–you’ll be surprised at how much more you learn about yourself and your field of study. Tell your future self about the things that motivate and drive you. Remind yourself of the things that intimidate you and even worry you about college and the challenge you’re undertaking.

One day you’ll look back and see that you are so much greater than those doubts and fears, and you will see how you’ve grown and achieved your goals despite them.

Even though you’re an adult and have life experience, college will refine you. You envision challenges today in the abstract, but, as with anything, you don’t know how you’ll react until you’re in the situation. You’ll learn to think with a new perspective and gain fresh, valuable professional insights. Like iron sharpens iron, you will be tested and improved during your time in college.

Writing a letter will give voice to your thoughts and feelings. You’ll more clearly see the progress and change you’ve made. Graduation is a proud time. There’s a definite satisfaction to earning a degree.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, roughly 33 percent of American adults have an undergraduate degree and only 12 percent hold an advanced degree. Relish your achievement once you’re there, and give yourself a way to look back and see how far you’ve come.

Take a few minutes to self-reflect, plan and dream. Anticipate the challenges and victories of this upcoming season in your life, and then write it down. You’ll appreciate it on graduation day.

Amberton University does not require prospective graduate students to submit GRE or GMAT scores in their application.  All 18 master’s programs are accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission. You can find full graduate application requirements here or contact an advisor to discuss your application today!

Getting all your ducks in a row to prepare your application for graduate school is a lengthy and detailed process. Taking the GRE or the GMAT is one of the most important boxes to check.

So, what’s the difference between the GRE and the GMAT? And why doesn’t every school require applicants to take one of these tests?

The GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) and the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) are standardized tests for graduate-level admissions. Both tests include three sections: an analytical writing section, a quantitative section, and a verbal section.

The function of the GRE is to gauge a student’s ability to succeed in a graduate program and evaluate their general academic aptitude. The GRE is the most widely accepted graduate admissions test globally.

The GMAT is specifically used to predict a student’s success in a business program and is often required for admission to an MBA program. This test includes a fourth section, which assesses a student’s integrated reasoning skills.

The GRE and GMAT are graduate-level counterparts to the SAT and ACT. The tests are similar and evaluate like categories. Certain universities or degree programs prefer one test score over the other. Make sure you know what the program requires well before applying so you can adequately prepare and schedule to take the appropriate test.

Many universities are moving away from requiring the GRE or GMAT for graduate school admissions or are changing the emphasis placed on scores for specific circumstances. Admissions boards use substitute components to evaluate applicants, including resumes, portfolios, writing samples, professional work experience, etc. These markers often predict a student’s performance and professional success more than standardized testing.

On the flip side of the coin, a GRE or GMAT requirement does not indicate the degree program's quality. When choosing a graduate program, you should research the university and department’s reputation, determine if a school is accredited, and evaluate if online and on-campus courses and requirements mirror one another.

You dutifully undertake extra responsibilities at home. You’re a steadfast support, homework checker and study buddy. You’re the piece that really completes the whole puzzle. And you are appreciated.

Generally, the families and support systems of students aren’t recognized until graduation day. Sometimes in the grind of starting and completing a college education, the focus is so dialed in on the student, that the importance and vital support from the family can be overlooked or even taken for granted. So, on behalf of your student, and in advance, you’re the best.

You’re the best because you’re going to deal with a lot, and will still hold it all together.

  1. Be understanding

  2. Supporting your spouse’s decision to go back to school might seem like a one-time decision, but you will have to wake up each morning and choose to be understanding. You might even have to make that decision multiple times a day. Going back to school is stressful and can be intimidating. Be reassuring of your partner’s capabilities and understanding of the feelings, emotions, and responsibilities they’ve undertaken. You are the lighthouse in the storm.
  3. Allow them to focus

  4. Stepping up to the plate and shouldering more responsibility at home so your spouse can buckle down on their studying and school work will make all the difference in your spouse’s academic success. Ultimately, academic success will result in professional success that will benefit your family for years to come.
  5. Celebrate the accomplishments

  6. The best part of being a fan is watching your team win. The best part of being a spouse when your partner is in school is seeing them get an A, pass the class, graduate, and just be excellent overall. Break out those pom poms, boys and girls! Celebrate those achievements! Remind your spouse you are proud of their accomplishments - no matter how small they might be.
  7. Stay connected

  8. School is in session and everyone is busy. Dedicate yourself to making time to regularly connect with your spouse. It’s a running theme for any married couple - make time for each other, date your spouse, communicate. But it’s worth repeating. Stay anchored in your relationship. Don’t allow the research papers, presentations, and finals to take over your lives completely.
  9. Remember it’s only for a season

  10. College won’t last forever. Eventually, your spouse will complete the graduation requirements and earn their degree. The routine will shift again, and you’ll live more like you did before they enrolled. You’ll have made it through the hardship together. Seasons are temporary, and even though you might not know exactly when graduation day will be, it will come. When choosing to be supportive is harder, remember it’s just a short season of life.

You are special. You are valued. And when graduation day comes at Amberton, it’s as much about you as it is about your student spouse. So put on your game face, and rock this school experience together.

Making the decision to go back to school is nothing to be taken lightly. You’re investing a lot of time, money and sweat into completing your degree. Ask yourself these five questions to figure out if it’s the right move for you.
  1. Why do you want to go back or start now for the first time?

  2. Everyone’s reasons for going to school as an adult are different and they’re all valid. First, identify the root of why you’re considering going back to school. It could be that you want to go back as an example for your children, or to fulfill a promise to your parents, or to better your career, or for your own personal achievement. Figuring that out can help you determine if you’re making the decision for the right reasons.

  3. What is your motivation level?

  4. Finishing your degree requirements is a marathon, not a sprint. This is especially true for the adult learner. At Amberton, courses are 10 weeks long. This means you can take more classes throughout the calendar year, and the curriculum is slightly condensed compared to the standard college semester. Your motivation level is typically highest when you’re at the start of something strenuous. Are you mentally prepared to work through the grind until Graduation Day?

  5. How is your support system?

  6. Adult students have more to deal with than just going to lectures and completing their course assignments. Many of you have jobs and families that demand your time and attention. They cannot be slid to the back burner. Before you make the decision to enroll in college, evaluate who your closest supports will be. How will they help you? Which additional responsibilities and tasks will they adopt? Can you share the load with others during this season of your life?

  7. Will having a degree bolster your career?

  8. This is a big question to answer. Will your promotional opportunities be dependent on whether or not you have a degree? If you can definitively say you have reached a roadblock in your career (or will eventually) without a bachelor’s or master’s degree, then you should certainly pursue continuing your education. Make moves to improve yourself and set yourself up for the best successes possible.

  9. Can you afford to go back?

  10. With that college education comes college tuition. It is an investment, but it can be a sacrifice to make the payments. At Amberton, our goal is to provide quality education at an affordable price. Many of our students graduate with little to no student debt. Additionally, we offer plenty of options on how you can pay for your education. Employers also recognize the value of having an educated workforce. Check with your human resources department about tuition reimbursement benefits before enrolling.
There will always be reasons not to go back to school. It’s easy to put off. But if working towards your degree is the right move for you, reach out to our advisors. They are ready and willing to help you get started on this exciting path! We are here to support you as you work to reach your goals.

Going back to college as a working adult can feel intimidating. Questions about your capabilities and competence might bounce around in your head. How will you fit in? How will you manage the workload and perform at your best? And most importantly, how will you handle everything else in your life?

Returning to school as a working adult comes with added pressure. You’re balancing real responsibilities—paying the bills, working a 9-5 job, possibly raising kids, and maintaining relationships. However, it’s important to remember that working through college is just a season in your life. You can achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams with determination and planning.

You’re not alone

As a working adult, you’re not the only one returning to school. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 33% of the 18 million undergraduate students in the U.S. are over 25, and 22% are over 30. 

Additionally, research by UCLA’s Professor of Education Mike Rose shows that nearly 45% of U.S. postsecondary students did not enroll directly after high school. While everyone’s path is unique, being a non-traditional student is far more common than you might think.

Build a Support System

In any long journey, having support makes the process easier. As you begin your coursework, identify the people who will walk alongside you. This could include your spouse, parents, professors, or advisers. 

Additionally, connect with your classmates within your degree program. Lean on one another and share your challenges. Remember, you don’t have to do this alone.

Develop Camaraderie

If you only show up to class, turn in assignments, and check the box, you’ll miss out on a lot. Your peers are a valuable resource, both personally and professionally.

Take the time to engage with your classmates, build connections, and learn from their experiences. Just like you, they bring unique insights and perspectives that can help you grow.

Learn to Study with Distractions

Distractions are a part of life, especially for a working adult. Whether it’s text alerts, Facebook notifications, or looming work deadlines, staying focused can be challenging.

Lean on your support system to help manage responsibilities. Dedicate specific times to schoolwork, even if it means early mornings or late nights. Stick to a routine that allows you to focus on your studies without interruptions.

Focus on What You Can Control

Balancing work, school, and life is a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on what you can control and avoid stressing over things you can’t. Manage your time wisely, complete your assignments, and do your best.

Don’t let tomorrow’s worries rob you of today’s progress. Your coursework may feel overwhelming, but the results are worth it.

Take Time to Relax

Your well-being is crucial as a working adult. Take mental health breaks and allow yourself time to decompress. While your friends and family will understand your busy schedule, don’t neglect your relationships. Remember, going back to school is a life-changing decision. By focusing on one step at a time, you can conquer the challenges and achieve your dreams.

Amberton University is designed for the working adult. Our flexible courses create a supportive environment for non-traditional students to thrive. For a glimpse into how Amberton worked for one alumnus, click here to watch the video.