You're on your way to graduation! ...but what are your next steps?
It’s time to collect your transcripts from other colleges and universities and send them to us for evaluation and apply toward your chosen degree plan.
Undergraduate Transfer Info Graduate Transfer InfoOur Student Advisors are here to help you along your journey.
Once admitted to the University an Advisor will be assigned to you whom you can speak with to review your degree plan and help choose your courses.
Contact an Advisor at: Advisor@amberton.edu or give us a call at 972-279-6511 ext. 180
Contact an AdvisorBegin by looking at our current schedule and visiting the course guide to review the syllabi to decide what classes you would like to take. Don’t worry our Advisors can help you if you have any questions.
Current Schedule of Classes Course GuideContact an Advisor at: Advisor@amberton.edu or give us a call at 972-279-6511 ext. 180
Once you have signed up for your classes, you’ll need to order your textbooks with plenty of time so you’ll be ready on your first day of class. (This information can be found in your course syllabi.) Visit our Bookstore Online for more information.
Amberton eCampus BookstoreAmberton’s learning management system uses Moodle to access each of your courses, professors, and assignments. Access will be available on the first day of class each semester.
Moodle Login PageThe purpose of this catalog is to acquaint interested individuals and organizations with Amberton University and its academic programs.
The University believes that within these pages you will find a new and invigorating approach to education.
University CatalogBe sure to visit our Help & Advice page for many topics that might help you along your journey here at Amberton.
Help & AdviceNotifications